Friede and Inge get married

The wedding

friday 18 januari 2013

2004  18 januari  Friede & Inge kiss for the first time;

2006  18 januari  Friede asks Inge: will you marry me, she says YES!;

2008  Friede & Inge have their rings made by Gert Harkema (and they start wearing them later that year), he says we are soooo much in love;

2001 December  Friede & Inge try to get married (quietly) but the stamp on the birth certificate is too old, so nothing happens;

2012  Both their families meet in may, for four days, to celebrate the marriage (but they still lacked the stamp..);

2012  November  Friede & Inge make the first preparations and plan a new date on 18 januari 2013 – but they keep it still. Christmas is the first time when the family hears of the news. And they react with shock, for they want to participate. The date of the party is replaced to 19 januari, so the german family can be present.
2012  31 december, Sending the invitations from Gran Canaria is difficult, but in several attempts, it works; some people receive it up to 6 times (or not at all).

And they have to find a new location for the party. Too many people want to come and the floor won’t hold all of them..

18 januari 2013 Friede and Inge get married in happiness!
And they have never been this nervous in their lives.

Almost the entiere family is present on the two days, sisters, brothers, fathers and mothers.
Annemarie Hoogeveen and Ellen Rambags are witnesses.
And last but not least: Arthur.
Some friends too and for pictures, Kajsa Stromberg

Jolanda Verschuren takes our oaths, with humor and ‘schwung’.
Afterward we toast in our house and eat deliciously at restaurant, ‘de matroos en het meisje’.

We spent our weddingnight upstairs, in my practise, for Gisela and Wolfgang sleep in our bed.
And we have a good night…

Yes, he’s doing it…

I’ve just said yes, so I’ll sign now



Saturday 19 januari 2013

Friede & Inge have a good night, after missing a lot of sleep in the weeks before. And even thought it’s really cold upstairs, they keep each other warm…:-)
And they have a wonderful breakfast with Gisela and Wolfgang.
And they get dressed in their wedding outfit again, for the german family from Hamburg arrives.
They all eat at ’the tuinen’ and again have a wonderful family reunion.


The party





Everyone arrives at the party. Only the people that are really sick cancelled.
Helma turned ‘het vuurbaken’ into a beautiful place.
Liseth and Rob and Corry have created the most amazing food.
Without them, it would not have been so wonderful.



We have such a wonderful evening, with so much live music.
Fer Frerich plays two hours with his jazz band;
Wouter ter Braake sings his ‘hij/zij’ song;
Linda Kandt sings two songs;
The ‘climbers’, sing the hilarius song Friede & Inge;
Tilla and Carola perform the song ’the piemel’ (the penis);
And the ‘popuppers’ have their medley of bizar songs.
It is all too wonderful & too funny.
If you like to see it:


thanx to creative director John Stuurman


The party goes on untill shortly after 01.00 hours.
And after cleaning, eating and drinking some (Friede and Inge lacked time during the party), bringing home friends, they hug eachother once more in Inge’s practise. Sunday they look at all the presents and bring Wolfgang and Gisela to the train.
Time for being happy and looking at the amazing pictures of Kajsa.
One of them is too good, so they use it in a thank you message (last picture of this story).

And of course the story continues..


In their lives is always work to do, so life goes on.
And they send everyone happy thank you messages, Friede annoyes his collegues by playing: ‘ich bin wie du’ over and over again..

Thuesday at the choir Pop-Up

The cleaning of the party room is almost done, Inge and Helma finish this on thuesday. Helma has done so much work for the party..
Just like Rob and Liseth and Corry is having the most amazing snacks and food..

All the choirs have presents and songs. It’s so wonderful.
And when it’s time for PopUp Inge get’s another big suprise:

They all come in running with balloon’s in their hands singing ‘Alles is liefde’ (love is all in dutch).



I’m surprised for I wanted to surprise them at the end of the rehearsel.
And I’m more surprised when Friede and Arthur come in with balloon’s and singing..
At the end of the party we do some poledancing 🙂
I’m soo happy!

Thanx soooo much



It’s all almost too good to be true 🙂 🙂










PS. if you want to see some more beautiful pictures of us, check contact, fotogallery. Big thanx to Kajsa